
New Supervision function
Update V20140929

You can now create your dashboards and display all of your sensors on one single screen with automatic refresh.


You just need to create a user with « Supervision » rights. By connecting with the login and password of this user, the board with be automatically displayed with the temperature, the time of last log, and the color will help you to know if your sensors are in alarm status. You can also drag each sensor with the mouse or with your finger to put them in the order you like.

This screen can be displayed on a PC, but also on a Smartphone or a Tablet.

Alarms Reminder

New function: alarms reminder
Update V20140123

You can now program the alarms to be resent automatically, until the temperature is back to the normal range. This enables you to closely monitor the temperature of your equipments.
If you have activated the alarms justification, the reminder is sent until the alarm is justified.

To activate this alarm repetition, enter the reminder frequency in the sensors settings.

Thermotrack Webserve temperature monitoring
Alarms reminder in Thermotrack Webserve

Update v20131112

Several updates on 14-nov-2013 at  7:00 (French time)

  • Graphs are refreshed automlatically each 5 minutes
  • A “Test SMS” button helps you validate that the mobile number entered is valid
  • The email sent to Super-Administrators are sent in the chosen language


New option for the alarms

Get an alarm siren wherever you want when temperature exceeds the thresholds : TTW Pop Up Client

The “Pop-Up Client” is an audible and visual alarm signal, that is activated when temperature thresholds are exceeded. It indicates the alarm type, the temperature log and the high and low thresholds. The alarm has to be acknowledged.

It takes less than one minute to set it up and it can be installed on an unlimited number of Pcs. This is a remote, multi site and multi user alarm control. You only have to buy it once.
Download the Pop-Up client and test it for free using the login: demo and password: demo

Download the documentation and manual here

Contact your distributor or Proges Plus to get a quotation


Maintenance completed

The maintenance operations are completed since Sunday 18th.

We have significantly improved the response time of the application and reports generations have also been improved.

We take this opportunity to announce the launch in the next weeks of Thermotrack-Webserve for iPhone, iPad and Android.



Maintenance of the Service

Our teams are currently doing maintenance operations for Thermotrack Webserve service in order to bring you more comfort and quicker access to data.

Access to the server may be longer during these operations.

You may also receive an important numbers of alarms, from which some are not pertinent.

We recommend you to deactivate alarms by SMS in order not to use all your SMS credit (Menu User–> Responsibilities).

We do our utmost te reduce this period of time.

We will shortly send you a confirmation message when the service is back to normal operation

We thank you in advance for your understanding.


Wifi Sensor Net Connect

Wireless temperature monitroign using  Wi-Fi Sensor Net Connect

The Wi-Fi Sensor Net Connect is nbot available.

You can now wireless  connect your temperature probes to your PC, using the same wireless network as your PC (802.11b, encryption WEP our WPA)

Of course, the Wi-Fi Sensor Net Connect can co exist with the wired Sensor Net Connect



2 new options in Thermotrack Webserve

Thermotrack Webserve has just been updated to add 2 new options, for a easier classification of your equipments:

1) Active and Non Active Equipment
This option enables to mask the equipments you will stop using temporarily. They won’t appear in the homepage but their data will be kept.

All the equipments created are active by default. To desactivate an equipment, click “Equipments” in the homepage, then select the equipment and click “Modify”. Finally, untick the bow “Active Equipment”. The equipment won’t be displayed in the homepage.

2) Equipments selection in the homepage
In the homepage, you will find 2 drop-down lists (Equipments and Status) that enable to select the equipments you want to be displayed (according to the equipment type: Thermo Buttons, Ethernet Sensor…or to the status: OK or in alarm). Just untick the equipments and/or status you don’t want to see in the homepage.

The Plug&Track team is here to assist you if you need further information.